NB·Ceutical Tolerance Enzyme Peel, 50ml

AED 552.00
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10 يوم
متوفر بالمخزون

Exfoliation can be tough on the skin, particularly for those with acute sensitivity to harsh granulated formulas. Natura Bissé has created a gentle, yet effective peel that eliminates impurities and dead skin cells. Developed with cutting-edge cosmetic engineering, specifically designed for gentle exfoliation, the Tolerance Enzyme Peel's rich texture pampers the skin with non-aggressive (granule-free) micro-exfoliation that helps stimulate the skin renewal process. It can even be applied to the most delicate areas of the face like the eye contour and lip area.

وقت الشحن والأسعار:


Exfoliation can be tough on the skin, particularly for those with acute sensitivity to harsh granulated formulas. Natura Bissé has created a gentle, yet effective peel that eliminates impurities and dead skin cells. Developed with cutting-edge cosmetic engineering, specifically designed for gentle exfoliation, the Tolerance Enzyme Peel's rich texture pampers the skin with non-aggressive (granule-free) micro-exfoliation that helps stimulate the skin renewal process. It can even be applied to the most delicate areas of the face like the eye contour and lip area.


Natura Bisse

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