Royal Earth Eau de Parfum Refill, 50ml

AED 450.00
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10 يوم
متوفر بالمخزون

Classy and sophisticated, The Harmonist's Royal Earth perfume uses precious, potent roots and seeds to create a mysterious, dignified fragrance. Carrot and angelica seeds combine with tangy bergamot to crown this scent with bright top notes, but it is the prized Iris Pallida root from historic Tuscany which infuses it with grandeur and gravity. The powerful, enigmatic scent of iris will envelop you in a mystical aura of fascination tinged with the bittersweet twist of neroli and the sensuality of sandalwood.

وقت الشحن والأسعار:


Classy and sophisticated, The Harmonist's Royal Earth perfume uses precious, potent roots and seeds to create a mysterious, dignified fragrance. Carrot and angelica seeds combine with tangy bergamot to crown this scent with bright top notes, but it is the prized Iris Pallida root from historic Tuscany which infuses it with grandeur and gravity. The powerful, enigmatic scent of iris will envelop you in a mystical aura of fascination tinged with the bittersweet twist of neroli and the sensuality of sandalwood.


The Harmonist

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